Shenggao Li

Ph.D. Student

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN


Google Scholar Resume

I am a Ph.D. student in the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Notre Dame, co-advised by Dr. Patrick M. Wensing (University of Notre Dame) and Dr. Wei Zhang (Southern University of Science and Technology, China). My research focuses on the design and control of legged robots.

I designed the first version of the XiaoTian robot in SUSTech which later end up with a commercial quadruped robot at

I pioneered the development of a hopping locomotion strategy for a quadruped robot, utilizing a control Lyapunov function-based QP controller in conjunction with differential-flatness-based planning. I have also explored the contact wrench feasibility problem through a geometric sufficient condition. This approach allows for the computation of the sufficient wrench 140 times faster than the traditional second-order-cone-programming method, with only a 7% reduction in yaw moment accuracy, powered by an explicit solution to the force distribution problem on a supporting line. Recently, my work has concentrated on applying differential dynamic programming (DDP) and search-based algorithms for achieving gait/contact implicit trajectory optimization in legged robots, with a particular focus on quadruped robots.

Hopping on Two Legs

Cheetah 3 at Notre Dame

A* & DDP Based Gait Implicit