Lidar-based Environment Perception

Keywords: Research Project, Data Process, Lidar, IMU, Communication Protocol, Active Prosthetic

Tutor: Prof. Chenglong Fu (Tsinghua University, Beijing China)

Members: Shenggao Li, Haiyuan Liu

Brief: At the moment, many researchers are very interested in the intent recognition of active prostheses. One of the branches is to estimate the wearer's intentions and adjust the prosthetic movements through environmental perception. Our job is to detect the direction-oriented road surface by wearing a laser radar at the waist, identify various road conditions and feed back to the prosthesis. We first set up a visualization platform to monitor and process radar data, and then use statistical methods to identify and measure the road ahead.

Division: We (I and Haiyuan Liu) worked together.

Active Prosthetic

Active prosthetic built by Prof. Fu's students, this one is the prosthetic we have to feed back our data


As the Liu walk on the stair, the lidar scanning the surface heading to the front direction. This program can gather the data and recognize the road type.