Synthesizer on Guitar

Keywords: Course Project, Electronic Design, OFDM, Analog circuit

Tutor: ---- (SUSTech, Shenzhen China)

Members: Shenggao Li, Sihan Liu, Liyong Pan and other 5 people

Brief: An electronic synthesizer mounted on the surface of the guitar can make a guitarist a band. This project uses a variety of independent digital audio signal based waveform generators to produce a variety of different sounds. And it use the guitar sound pickup device - a vibrating microphone to collect guitar sound. Then use a high-quality operational amplifier to synthesize all the audio signals and output them to the speakers.

The pictures and the video of this project are missing. There are only some documents.

Button 1

Button 2

Button 3

Whole body

The design draft

The electronic structure 1

The electronic structure 2