Visible Light Communication

Keywords: Course Project, Electronic Design, OFDM, Manchester Coding, Signal and System

Tutor: ---- (SUSTech, Shenzhen China)

Members: Shenggao Li, Xingge Guo, Yucong Huang, Shida Cheng, Xiaotong Zhang, Yang Hong, Zhenyu Chen, Xizi, Ni

Brief: Visible light communication is a rising high-speed and high-security communication technology, also known as LiFi (LightFidelity). Our team tried to use MCU and computer to implement VLC communication technology. The first stage demo uses 80C51 MCU, blue LED and photodiode for digital signal communication, the bandwidth is small, and the communication protocol is incomplete. In the second stage, the Arduino UNO board and DAC chip are used to transmit and receive analog signals through OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technology, and the original digital signal protocol is perfected, which greatly improves the communication bandwidth and speed.

Li-Fi Demo 1 - 80C51 MCU

All work done by me at Spring 2016

The overall picture 1

The overall picture 2

Chip 1 - Send Side

Chip 2 - Receive Side

Chip 2 and LED Display

Send Side - Blue LED and Power Amplifier Circuit

Receive Side - Photodiode

Receive Side - Signal Amplifier Circuit

Li-Fi Demo 1 Test

Chip 1 get signal from the 4x4 keyboard, convert it to hexadecimal data (1-F, no 0) then send the data to the Chip 2 through the blue LED and photodiode. The Chip 2 display the data immediately on the LED display tube.

Li-Fi Demo 2 - Arduino UNO

LED and Photodiode Frequency Response Characteristic Test

sin signal load on LED

sin signal get from photodiode

square signal load on LED

square signal get from photodiode

↑ Signal Steam Structure

← Li-Fi Demo 2

Li-Fi Demo 2 Test

In demo 2, I wrote two computer program to handle the data input and output. Choose a file in send program, then the send board would send the file content to the receive board. The receive program would gather these data and combine it into a file. As a result, the file can send from one side to the other side thorough the Li-Fi system.